University Physics
- The Special Theory of Relativity.
An elementary but yet comprehensive and rigorous introduction.
- Cosmology, a survey
General relativity, red shift, Hubble's law, neutron stars and black holes, critical density, dark matter The Big Bang and the background radiation
- The Hydrogen atom from Rutherford to Schrödinger
A historical but also a through theoretical outline of the quantum physics of the hydrogen atom
- General Relativity and Cosmology. A theoretical approach
An introductory, but at the theoretical level, a post graduate outline
- Newtonian Mechanics. Dynamics
Newtonian Dynamics presented in the framework of calculus. Work. The Work-Theorem, Kinetic energy, Potential energy.
Conservation of energy in a conservative force-field. Escape velocity from the earth.
- The peculiar Coriolis force
- Theory of Rotation. (pdf)
A theoretical approach to the concepts of angular velocity, torque, angular momentum and moment of inertia.
Supplied with several examples from real life.
- Examples of non trivial differential equations of physics
Solving problems: The dependence of pressure with altitude. Radioactive decay chains. Moving in liquid or air with drag.
Damped harmonic oscillations. Forced oscillations. Numerical methods.
- Physics of Tsunamis. A theoretical approach
An analytic treatment explainning the behavior of Tsunamis
- The first and second law of thermodynamics
A thorough discussion the laws of thermodynamics, including reversibility and entropy
- The heat pump
A theoretical analysis of the heat pump from the first and second law of thermodynamics
- Statistical Mechanics
A theoretical introduction to the fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics
- Brownian movement and the determination of Avogadro's number
- Quantum Statistics
Post graduate lectures on Quantum statistic,including Planck's law of radiation and a
treatment of the behaviour of Boltzmann-, Bose- and Fermi-particles Brownian_movement
- The two-body problem and The laws of Kepler
An analytic treatmen solving the two-body problem and a derivation of the laws of Kepler
- Simulations of stable and unstable three body motion
Ballistic rocket to the moon and back
- The principle of least time
The principle applied to show the law of refraction
- Geometrical optics
Reflection in mirrors.refractive index. Lenses and prisms. The lens makers formula. Optical instruments
- A shooting star. A theoretical approach
Theoretical physics is applied to find the duration of a shooting star
- Applications of the wave equation
Derivation of formulas for the speed of propagation of waves on strings, in solids and gasses.
- Circular waves and the Bessel functions
Derivation of the differential equation for plane circular waves, with application to a drum head.
- Solution of the diffusion equation in spherical and cylindrical coordinates
- The Law of Bernouilli, with applications to flying and hydrodynamics
- The physics of windmills
Finding the theoretical maximum for the efficiency of a wind mill
- The physics of Air Mirroring and Mirages
The phenomena of Air Mirroring and Mirages are discussed on a theoretical basis using the law of refraction
- Coupled pendulums and coupled harmonic oscillations
These classical physical problems, being rather mathematically complex, are solved using the Lagrange formalism.
- Chaotic motion. A dynamic analysis
Graphic illustration of an example of chatic motion, analyzed with the Lagrange formalism
- The Conical pendulum
Analysis an presentation of the conical pendulum, using the Lagrange formalism
- Hydrodynamics (is complex mathematics)
An introduction to the fundamental equations of hydrodynamics.
- On gyroscopes, tops, rotating eggs and other rotating objects
- Motion on a rotating disc
Finding the trajectory of a bullet, when placed on a rotating disc without friction.
- Finding the longest oblique throw from a given height
It is well known that the angle is 45 deg. for the longest oblique throw. But what is the angle for a javelin thrower.
- Calculating the runway before take off, and the buoyancy for the DC-7
- Can you score on a corner kick? (A theoretical approach)
- The Tides. Estimating the contributions from the moon and the sun
- The physics of induction stoves
- The physics of rockets.For educational purposes
- The physics of curling and Billiard
Elastic cental and non central collisions in the centre of mass system
- Twenty questions from the engineers letterbox.
Relativistic rotation, balloon with vacuum, speed greater than the speed og light, black holes in the laboratory, cold fusion
- Three examples of damped periodic motion
The bouncing ball, Damped harmonic oscillations with damping proportional to v and v2
- Does the ladder skid.
Demonstrating some tecniques from classical and analytical Lagrange mechanics
- The deathdrome. Riding the wall of death and related problems
- Emptying a barrel from a tap .
A Theoretical calculation of the time it takes to empty a barrel from a tap at the bottom
- Vertical motion in liquids and gasses .
A Theoretical prensentation of vertical motion of a body in a viscous substance
- Why can a box only rotate freely about
two of its three principal axes?
- Balancing or tipping over
- Does the boat capsize
- On Mercury and Venus passages of the sun
- On power, intensity and loudness of sound
Introducing the decibel scale with examples.
- Motion of a projectile with and without drag
- Damped and forced harmonic oscillations
- Radioactive decay chains
- Vertical motion with turbolent resistance
- Linear motion in liquid and gasses
- The dependence og Pressure on altitude
- Theory of elasticity
- Dynamics of deformable bodies
- The buoyancy of a hot air balloon
- Surface tension with applications
- Differential equatioms for filling a tub with hot water from a heating tank
If you have a comment or question You are welcome to post me a mail!